Friday, 1 February 2019

February 2019

SrI:   SrImathE SatakOpAya nama:   SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:   SrImath varavaramunayE nama:   SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
Pictures can be seen at

  • 28th - Thursday - mAsi thirumUlam - mAmunigaL dhavanOthsavam
    • Morning
      • thirumanjanam for mAmunigaL
      • thiruppAvai, upadhESa raththina mAlai, yathirAja vimSathi gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening
      • puRappAdu for mAmunigaL with rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti
      • mAmunigaL mangaLASAsanam inside the temple with dhAtI panchakam and yathirAja vimSathi gOshti
      • mAmunigaL returns to his sannidhi
      • emperumAnAr sannidhi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and upadhESa raththina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai 
      • mAmunigaL sannidhi - thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 27th - Wednesday - mAsi kEttai - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thirumAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 22nd - Friday - mAsi hastham
    • Morning - thirumanjanam for thAyAr
    • Evening - puRappAdu for thAyAr inside the temple with siRiya thirumadal gOshti followed by thAyAr in Unjal (swing) dharSan
  • 21st - Thursday - mAsi uthram - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 20th - Wednesday - mAsi pUram - dhavanOthsavam
    • Afternoon
      • thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, thAyAr and emperumAnAr
      • thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening
      • puRappAdu for all inside the temple
      • Everyone arrives at thanga (golden) maNdapam
      • thiruvArAdhanam, thIrtham, prasAdham
      • Everyone returns to their sannidhis
  • 19th - Tuesday - mAsi Ayilyam/magam - paurNami - mAsi maga uthsavam day 5
    • Morning 
      • puRappAdu for AdhikESavap perumAL (in garuda vAhanam), chakkaraththAzhwAr and emperumAnAr to lakefront maNdapam 
      • thirumanjanam for chakkaraththAzhwAr and mudhaliyANdAn (pAdhukA of emperumAnAr)
      • thIrthavAri for chakkaraththAzhwAr and mudhaliyANdAn
      • return to temple 
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, chakkaraththAzhwAr and emperumAnAr, followed by thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr with nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
  • 18th - Monday - mAsi pUsam - mAsi maga uthsavam day 4
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, chakkaraththAzhwAr and emperumAnAr, followed by thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr with mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
  • 17th - Sunday - mAsi punarpUsam - mAsi maga uthsavam day 3, kulaSEkarAzhwAr
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, chakkaraththAzhwAr, kulaSEkarAzhwAr and emperumAnAr.
    • thiruppAvai, thiruppallANdu, perumAL thriumozhi, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, kOyil thiruvAimozhi, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening 
      • puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr with perumAL thriumozhi gOshti
  • 16th - Saturday - EkAdhaSi, mAsi thiruvAdhirai - mAsi maga uthsavam day 2
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, chakkaraththAzhwAr and emperumAnAr, followed by thiruppAvai, sthOthra rathnam, yathirAja vimSathi gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening 
      • puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr with rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti
      • return to temple
      • thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, kOyil thiruvAimozhi (munnadi/pinnadi) gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 15th - Friday - mAsi mrgaSIrsham - mAsi maga uthsavam day 1
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs, chakkaraththAzhwAr and emperumAnAr, followed by thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr with mudhal thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
  • 14th - Thursday - mAsi  rOhinNi - thiruvEngdap paththu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, amalanAdhipirAn gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 13th - Wednesday - mAsi kArthigai
    • Morning - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL and ubhaya nAchchiyArs
    • Evening - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL and ubhaya nAchchiyArs with thirukkuRunthANdagam and thirunedunthANdagam gOshti
  • 12th - Tuesday - thai bharaNi - ratha sapthami
    • Morning - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs (in small sUrya prabhai) and emperumAnAr with nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
    • Afternoon - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs and emperumAnAr, followed by thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening -  puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL, ubhaya nAchchiyArs (in small chandhra prabhai) and emperumAnAr with nAnmugan thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
  • 11th - Monday - thai aSwini - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 10th - Sunday - thai rEvathi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai  
  • 9th - Saturday - thai uthrattAdhi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai 
  • 8th - Friday - thai uthrattAdhi 
    • Morning - thirumanjanam for thAyAr
    • Evening - puRappAdu for thAyAr inside the temple with siRiya thirumadal gOshti followed by thAyAr in Unjal (swing) dharSan
  • 7th - Thursday -  thai pUrattAdhi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai 
  • 6th - Wednesday -  thai sathayam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai  
  • 5th - Tuesday -  thai avittam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai 
  • 4th - Monday - thai thiruvONam, amAvAsyai
    • Morning - thirumanjanam for Adhi kESavap perumAL and ubhaya nAchchiyArs
    • Evening - puRappAdu for Adhi kESavap perumAL and ubhaya nAchchiyArs with mudhal thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
  • 3rd - Sunday - thai uthrAdam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai 
  • 2nd - Saturday - thai pUrAdam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinNu chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • 1st - Friday - thai mUlam
    • Morning -  EkAntha thirumanjanam for thAyAr
    • Afternoon
      • mAmunigaL puRappAdu to thOttam (garden behind emperumAnAr's avathAra sthalam)
      • thirumanjanam for mAmunigaL
      • thiruppAvai, upadhESa raththina mAlai, thiruvAimozhi nURRandhAdhi, yathirAja vimSathi gOshti and sARRumuRai
    • Evening
      • puRappAdu for mAmunigaL with rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti
      • mAmunigaL mangaLASAsanam inside the temple with dhAtI panchakam, yathirAja vimSathi gOshti

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan

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