SrI: SrImathE SatakOpAya nama: SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama: SrImath varavaramunayE nama: SrI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:
Pictures can be seen at Friday 31st - thai rEvathi
- Morning
- thirumanjanam for thAyAr
- Evening
- puRappAdu for thAyAr with siRiya thirumadal gOshti inside the temple
- Thursday 30th - thai rEvathi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Wednesday 29th - thai uthrattAdhi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Tuesday 28th - thai pUrattAdhi - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Monday 27th - thai sathayam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, mUnRAm thiruvandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Sunday 26th - thai avittam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, iraNdAm thiruvandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Saturday 25th - thai thiruvONam
- Morning - thirumanjanam for perumAL and nAchchiyArs
- Evening - puRappAdu for perumAL and nAchchiyArs with mudhal thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
- Friday 24th - thai uthrAdam, amAvAsyai
- Morning
- thirumanjanam for perumAL and nAchchiyArs
- thirumanjanam for thAyAr
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL and nAchchiyArs with mudhal thiruvandhAdhi gOshti
- puRappAdu for perumAL and nAchchiyArs and thAyAr inside the temple
- Thursday 23rd - thai pUrAdam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Wednesday 22nd - thai thirumUlam
- Morning
- thirumanjanam for mAmunigaL
- thiruppAvai, upadhESa raththina mAlai (both munnadi/pinnadi), yathirAja vimSathi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdur for mAmunigaL with rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti
- mAmunigaL mangaLASAsanam inside the temple with dhAtI panchakam and yathirAja vimSathi
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and upadhESa raththina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai in emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvAymozhi nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai in mAmunigaL sannidhi
- Tuesday 21st - thai kEttai , EkAdhaSi
- Morning - thirumanjanam for perumAL and nAchchiyArs
- Evening - puRappAdu for perumAL and nAchchiyArs with thirumAlai gOshti
- Monday 20th - thai anusham - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, rAmAnusa nURRandhAdhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Sunday 19th - thai viSAgam - thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, thiruviruththam gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Saturday 18th - thai swAthi - thiruppallANdu, selected padhigams from periyAzhwAr thirumozhi (munnadi/pinnadi) gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Friday 10th - mArgazhi thiruvAdhirai - adhayayana uthsavam - rAppaththu - day 5, nIrAtta uthsavam day 6
- Morning
- dhanur mAsam day 25 - viswarUpam,thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at all other sannidhis
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by emperumAnAr giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- thirumanjanam for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, ANdAL, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr
- upadhEsa rathina mAlai, sthOthra rathnam, yathirAja vimSathi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- mAlai mARRal (garland exchange) for ANdAL and perumAL
- Evening
- puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr with upadhEsa raththina mAlai gOshti
- Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas
- aruLappAdu (honoring) for all AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thiruvAimozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Thursday 9th - mArgazhi mrgaSIrsham - adhayayana uthsavam - rAppaththu - day 4, nIrAtta uthsavam day 5
- Morning
- dhanur mAsam day 25 - viswarUpam,thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at all other sannidhis
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by vEdhAnthAchAryar giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- thirumanjanam for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, ANdAL and vEdhAnthAchAryar
- upadhEsa rathina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- mAlai mARRal (garland exchange) for ANdAL and perumAL
- Evening
- puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas
- aruLappAdu (honoring) for all AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thiruvAimozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Wednesday 8th - mArgazhi rOhiNi - adhayayana uthsavam - rAppaththu - day 3, nIrAtta uthsavam day 4
- Morning
- dhanur mAsam day 3 - viswarUpam,thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at all other sannidhis
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by nampiLLai lOkAchAryar giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- thirumanjanam for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, ANdAL and nampiLLai lOkAchAryar
- upadhEsa rathina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- mAlai mARRal (garland exchange) for ANdAL and perumAL
- Evening
- puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas
- aruLappAdu (honoring) for all AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thiruvAimozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Tuesday 7th - mArgazhi kArthigai - adhayayana uthsavam - rAppaththu - day 2
- Morning
- dhanur mAsam day 2 - viswarUpam,thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at emperumAnAr sannidhi
- Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs sayana thirukkOlam in thanga maNdapam
- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at all other sannidhis
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by thirumangai AzhwAr giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- thirumanjanam for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, ANdAL and thirumangai AzhwAr
- upadhEsa rathina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- mAlai mARRal (garland exchange) for ANdAL and perumAL
- Evening
- puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas
- aruLappAdu (honoring) for all AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thiruvAimozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Monday 6th - mArgazhi bharaNi - adhayayana uthsavam - rAppaththu - day 1 - vaikuNta EkAdhaSi, ANdAL nIrAttam day 2
- Morning
- dhanur mAsam day 2 - viswarUpam,thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at emperumAnAr sannidhi
- paramapadha vAsal (there is no separate paramapadha vAsal, the entrance to emperumAnAr sannidhi itself is the paramapadha vAsal) opening and puRappAdu inside the temple for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs and emperumAnAr
- thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi, thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai at all other sannidhis
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by nammAzhwAr giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- thirumanjanam for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, ANdAL nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr
- upadhEsa rathina mAlai gOshti and sARRumuRai
- mAlai mARRal (garland exchange) for ANdAL and perumAL
- Evening
- puRappAdu for Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, nammAzhwAr and emperumAnAr with upadhEsa rathina mAlai gOshti
- Grand assembly of Adhi kEsava perumAL, ubhaya nAchiyArs, vishwaksEnar, AzhwArs and AchAryas
- aruLappAdu (honoring) for all AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu and thiruvAimozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Sunday 5th - mArgazhi aSwini - adhayayana uthsavam - pagal paththu - day 10, ANdAL nIrAttam day 1
- Morning
- viSvarUpam, followed by thiruvArAdhanam, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi/thiruppAvai gOshti in all sannidhis as per dhanur mAsa kramam
- ANdAL nIrAttam - ANdAL puRappAdu in the morning with mandagappadi (stop-over) at yathirAja jIyar mutt, AzhwAn sannidhi, mAmunigaL sannidhi, followed by periyAzhwAr giving feast to ANdAL
- Afternoon
- perumAL in nAchchiyAr thirukkOlam, nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas assembled in front of emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvArAdhanam
- aruLappAdu for AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, periya thirumozhi, thirukkuRundhANdagam and thirundedundhANdagam gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL, emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Saturday 4th - mArgazhi rEvathi - adhayayana uthsavam - pagal paththu - day 9
- Morning - viSvarUpam, followed by thiruvArAdhanam, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi/thiruppAvai gOshti in all sannidhis as per dhanur mAsa kramam
- Afternoon
- perumAL, nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas assembled in front of emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvArAdhanam
- aruLappAdu for AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, periya thirumozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL, nAchchiyArs, emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Friday 3rd - mArgazhi rEvathi - adhayayana uthsavam - pagal paththu - day 8
- Morning - viSvarUpam, followed by thiruvArAdhanam, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi/thiruppAvai gOshti in all sannidhis as per dhanur mAsa kramam
- Afternoon
- perumAL, nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas assembled in front of emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvArAdhanam
- aruLappAdu for AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, periya thirumozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL, nAchchiyArs, emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Thursday 2nd - mArgazhi uthrattAdhi - adhayayana uthsavam - pagal paththu - day 7
- Morning - viSvarUpam, followed by thiruvArAdhanam, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi/thiruppAvai gOshti in all sannidhis as per dhanur mAsa kramam
- Afternoon
- perumAL, nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas assembled in front of emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvArAdhanam
- aruLappAdu for AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, periya thirumozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL, nAchchiyArs, emperumAnAr inside the temple
- Wednesday 1st - mArgazhi pUrattAdhi - adhayayana uthsavam - pagal paththu - day 6
- Morning - viSvarUpam, followed by thiruvArAdhanam, thiruppaLLiyezhuchchi/thiruppAvai gOshti in all sannidhis as per dhanur mAsa kramam
- Afternoon
- perumAL, nAchchiyArs, ANdAL, AzhwArs/AchAryas assembled in front of emperumAnAr sannidhi
- thiruvArAdhanam
- aruLappAdu for AzhwArs/AchAryas
- thiruppallANdu, kaNNinuN chiRuth thAmbu, periya thirumozhi gOshti and sARRumuRai
- Evening
- puRappAdu for perumAL, nAchchiyArs, emperumAnAr inside the temple
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