Tuesday 22 April 2014

2014 - brahmOthsavam day 8

srImathE satagOpAya nama:  

srImathE rAmAnujAya nama:    
 srImadh varavaramunayE nama:   
srI vAnAchala mahAmunayE nama:

On this 8th day of brahmOthsavam, vEdu paRi uthsavam is observed in many dhivya dhEsams. vEdu has different meanings in thamizh - the main ones are hunting and piece of cloth. paRi means grabbing/robbing. In srIvaishNavam, it is generally related to thirumangai AzhwAr trying to rob ornaments of perumAL (who came in disguise of a wealthy brAhmaNa groom) to perform thadhIyArAdhanam (feeding of devotees).

kaliyan (thirumangai AzhwAr) was performing thadhIyArAdhanam (offering prasAdham to devotees) during his life time. At one point, he ran out of wealth. So, he started robbing wealthy merchants, etc., who were travelling through the forest. As he was already situated in serving srIvaishNavas, emperumAn wanting to fully enlighten kaliyan, assumes the form of a newly married wealthy brAhmaNa and travels through the forest where kaliyan was doing his robbery routinely. kaliyan, wanting to use this great opportunity, surrounds emperumAn with his soldiers and starts robbing him. emperumAn offers all his ornaments and jewels to kaliyan. In the end, there is one small ring in emperumAn's toe which was difficult to remove. kaliyan bends down, cuts it with his teeth and removes it forcefully. emperumAn being astonished by kaliyan's bravery, calls him out "nam kaliyanO" (Are you kaliyan? kaliyan generally means great warrior and is synonymous to kAlan, the master of death and controller of time - one who is feared by everyone - even emperumAn feared for kaliyan's valour). When all the ornaments are thus removed and packed, kaliyan tries to lift that package up but is unable to do so. He enquires emperumAn who was dressed as a brAhmaNa if he has performed any manthram or magic so that it cannot be lifted up. emperumAn acknowledges that he indeed has a manthram and he brings kaliyan closer to him and explains thirumanthram (ashtAksharam) in kaliyan's ears secretly. Being instructed on the divine manthram, kaliyan at once becomes fully enlightened by the causeless grace of emperumAn. emperumAn then assumes his original form along with his nAchiyArs on garudAzhwAr and blesses AzhwAr with a divine vision. AzhwAr at once sings "vAdinEn vAdi varunthinEn ... nArAyaNa ennum nAmam" (I suffered eternally in this material world ... until I heard ashtAkshara mahA manthram) pAsuram which is the 1st pAsuram of periya thirumozhi and other dhivya prabhandhams (one by one). This whole event is usually enacted in dhivya dhEsams during the horse vAhanam day which is part of brahmOthsavam.

    • perumAL, thAyArs and emperumAnAr arrive at vana bhOjana maNdapam.

    • perumAL, thAyArs and emperumAnAr arrive at yathirAja jIyar mutt.
  • Afternoon
    • thirumanjanam for perumAL, thAyArs and emperumAnAr at yathirAja jIyar mutt. 

  • thirumanjana kattiyam recital by srI u. vE. lakshmi kumAra thAthAchAryar swamy (thIrthakArar)

    • thiruppAvai gOshti and sARRumuRai
  • Evening
    • perumAL, thAyArs and emperumAnAr return to temple.
    • iyal sARRumuRai.
    • thiruvArAdhanam
    • chakkarathAzhwAr puRappAdu for bali (offerings to dhEvathAs) around the town.
  • Night
    • vEdu paRi uthsavam - perumAL puRappAdu in kudhirai (horse) vAhanam and emperumAnAr in pallakku with siRiya thirumadal and thirumozhi gOshti (8th, 9th centums). 

    • thirumangai AzhwAr robbing emperumAn and recital of thirumozhi 1st padhigam (decad).
    • perumAL/thAyArs return to kaNNAdi aRai (mirror room)
Videos - vEdu paRi 

adiyen sarathy ramanuja dasan